❀ New Outlooks for this year! ❀

In a lot of my recent post I’ve been talking about “starting fresh” and a “new start” but I haven’t really specified what my goals were for this upcoming year! First and foremost I will be posting way more often now that I have found a great balance that leaves me time for both schoolwork and personal interests. But anyway,  I literally live my life on my iPhone Notes app and some of the ideas such as incorporating food, lifestyle, and music into my blogging style. I really want to keep up the OOTD’s, inspiration boards, and wish list. My main goal for this year is to find my “voice” (as fancy writers say) and really show how I’m different than any other fashion blogger! The last element that I really want to start incorporating is my personal life into my blog! I feel like I’ve been here so long, yet no one knows anything about me, so that will change for sure! Since I started the blog in July of 2013 I feel like I was in a metaphorical straightjacket (???) with what I posted, but with all these new ideas and perspectives that are forming I feel like there will be positive changes in my blog!

In short I want to:


I’m super excited for what is to come and thank you all for joining me on my adventure into blogging.

Lastly I want to start sharing quotes that I enjoy and just giving you my take on it.

“Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for a boy to fall in love with you. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make something of the moment you’re in right now.” -Unknown (Sorry!)

I love this quote because it completely sums up my new goals for this year! I want to seize the moment and give everything my all right then and there ,so that I know when I am finished, I tried my best no matter what the outcome!


Ianthe Keep Blogging

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